Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy day!! A copy of The Ensign has arrived! :D

Today I went to the mailbox and was positively elated to find the Ensign inside. I paid for a year subscription last May and this is the second issue that has arrived (I think something is up at the post office because we keep getting some else's mail; my conjecture is that someone else has been enjoying my Ensign. No matter, hopefully they've been uplifted by it). I lack experience and understanding in relationships so this wise counsel today was well received. My words cannot do justice to these articles. Sadly they're not yet posted online or I'd paste a link here to each of the four articles (is it somehow possible I got an early issue??). I'll post a link as soon as one becomes available.

1 comment:

  1. that is no fun their are some great things in the ensign and also in the new era they are both great to read.
