Sunday, June 20, 2010

I started thinking about today's topic sometime earlier this week. I had several in mind I wished to address. Let's just say that the last week has been rough. The whole week was pretty rough. Good things did happen, but the weight of the bad has been great. This morning already something happened sadly. After reflecting on it all I proposed to not even write today. Then I saw the video that follows in the link. It's all I'll post and those few words that I've written.


  1. I am going through similar trials. I have to tell you. This is exactly what I needed. More than I can express in words.... its what Heavenly Father wanted me to hear. Thanks. :)

  2. Hey, I don't know everything you're going through, but please know that you are not alone. You are an amazing person, and are loved and admired by so many people. I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time right now. If you need anything, please be sure to give me a call. I'm pretty much always available right now.
