I had some ideas that started this morning. As I wrote, however, it just didn't seem right. I've decided to change the topic of the day and just write a few updates.
Monday night was Family Home Evening (FHE) for my singles ward. We had a lesson on cleanliness for entering the temple and for partaking of the sacrament. An object lesson involving some 20 singles and some 40 cans of shaving cream ensued. Once we had thoroughly covered each other in white foam the fire department came with one of their rigs and sprayed us all down so the shaving cream was gone. Clean? Yes we were. No other method removed the shaving cream from us. Just as water is really the only safe substance to remove shaving cream so is repentance the only method to clean the soul.
Tuesday I spent the day working alone. I had been sent on a special assignment to weed all the flower beds at the Harvest Hills park. If you've ever been there, you might know just how many there are. Each one was burgeoning with weeds. Since I was alone I elected to listen to General Conference. I didn't get through all of it before the end of the day, but I did listen to most of the conference. Before arriving at the temple I had finished all five sessions. It was ward temple night, which I also enjoyed.
Thursday I resumed trimming lawns. There are three on the trimming crew. Our senior seasonal (he was employed by public works last summer) was given his own special assignment so I took charge for the day. After work I attended institute where we began our "Teachings of the Living Prophets" course. I'm thrilled about this one.
Friday was another work day (for the superintendent and I) followed by a birthday bbq and an open mic night at another home.
Yesterday was yet another working day (strange since city and state workers normally work Monday through Thursday) since the Saratoga Splash was about to end. The day was fun since there was a parade, a free breakfast, and a carnival. After spending a day watching garbage cans and restrooms I cleaned, both my apartment and my car then showered and got ready for my date with a new friend. We attended the Eclipse concert and drove around visiting.
The last week was a good one. It was full of work, meetings and activities and was topped off with a fun evening out.
sounds like fun